blackIce | EnumerationLiteral
| 0 | Severe skid risk due to black ice (i.e. clear ice, which is impossible or very difficult to see). |
deepSnow | EnumerationLiteral
| 1 | Deep snow on the roadway. |
dry | EnumerationLiteral
| 2 | The road surface is dry. |
freezingOfWetRoads | EnumerationLiteral
| 3 | The wet road surface is subject to freezing. |
freezingPavements | EnumerationLiteral
| 4 | The pavements for pedestrians are subject to freezing. |
freezingRain | EnumerationLiteral
| 5 | Severe skid risk due to rain falling on sub-zero temperature road surface and freezing. |
freshSnow | EnumerationLiteral
| 6 | Fresh snow (with little or no traffic yet) on the roadway. |
ice | EnumerationLiteral
| 7 | Increased skid risk due to ice (of any kind). |
iceBuildUp | EnumerationLiteral
| 8 | Ice is building up on the roadway causing a serious skid hazard. |
iceWithWheelBarTracks | EnumerationLiteral
| 9 | Ice on the road frozen in the form of wheel tracks. |
icyPatches | EnumerationLiteral
| 10 | Severe skid risk due to icy patches (i.e. intermittent ice on roadway). |
looseSnow | EnumerationLiteral
| 11 | Powdery snow on the road which is subject to being blown by the wind. |
normalWinterConditionsForPedestrians | EnumerationLiteral
| 12 | Conditions for pedestrians are consistent with those normally expected in winter. |
packedSnow | EnumerationLiteral
| 13 | Packed snow (heavily trafficked) on the roadway. |
roadSurfaceMelting | EnumerationLiteral
| 14 | The road surface is melting, or has melted due to abnormally high temperatures. |
slipperyRoad | EnumerationLiteral
| 15 | The road surface is slippery due to bad weather conditions. |
slushOnRoad | EnumerationLiteral
| 16 | Increased skid risk due to melting snow (slush) on road. |
slushStrings | EnumerationLiteral
| 17 | Melting snow (slush) on the roadway is formed into wheel tracks. |
snowDrifts | EnumerationLiteral
| 18 | Snow drifting is in progress or patches of deep snow are present due to earlier drifting. |
snowOnPavement | EnumerationLiteral
| 19 | Snow is on the pedestrian pavement. |
snowOnTheRoad | EnumerationLiteral
| 20 | Snow is lying on the road surface. |
surfaceWater | EnumerationLiteral
| 21 | Water is resting on the roadway which provides an increased hazard to vehicles. |
wet | EnumerationLiteral
| 22 | Road surface is wet. |
wetAndIcyRoad | EnumerationLiteral
| 23 | Increased skid risk due to partly thawed, wet road with packed snow and ice, or rain falling on packed snow and ice. |
wetIcyPavement | EnumerationLiteral
| 24 | Partly thawed, wet pedestrian pavement with packed snow and ice, or rain falling on packed snow and ice. |
other | EnumerationLiteral
| 25 | Other than as defined in this enumeration. |